Nuance Messaging UI Framework

Nuance Messaging UI framework exposes a fully functional Messaging UI viewController that can be launched from your application. Framework exposes custom UI properties which allows App developer to customize the look and feel of the Messaging UI.

  1. Launching ViewController
  2. Plain Bubble View
  3. Styling Send Button
  4. Styling Customer Input Field
  5. Styling Footer Separation Bar
  6. Styling Title Bar
  7. Styling Transcript View
  8. Styling Transcript bubbles using background Image
  9. Styling Speech bubbles view
  10. Styling Email Dialog
  11. Styling Loading View
  12. Messaging App String Properties
  13. Displaying customer/Agent name in bubbles
  14. Displaying and styling timestamp
  15. Styling File Upload screen
  16. Customizing VA resposne
  17. Displaying disclaimer header
  18. Display Survey Confirmation Dialog
  19. Additional Typing Customization
  20. Hidden messages

Nuance UI Framework exposes methods to initiate a new engagement session aswell as to restore an existing engagement session.

Handling Minimized state of engagement

User should be provided with a feedback of new agent messages when messaging window is minimized. Once the messaging window is minimized its application responsibility to query for new agent messaging within the application viewWillAppear method, as user navigates from one screen to another this code should be reexecuted for every screen user is in.

      You must initialize the GetMessageAPI in your viewController viewDidLoad method.
  override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.message = GetMessageAPI.getInstance();

  To continue receiving agent message while in minimized state and to display a restore button,
  refer the following code snippet
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // Check if there is an engagement session in progress
        if(NuanMessaging.getInstance().getChatProgress()) {
        //continue pooling for new agent messages , also can display a restore button here
            self.message.getMessages({ (response, error) in
              //If there is a new message from agent, handle it by showing a counter on the restore button or a notification prompt etc
              //In case if agent closes the session , need to add the following code so that webview is notfied accordingly in case of hybrid engagement
              //also app can hide the restore button and display chat live button.
              if(response?.messageType == "chatLine") {
              else if(response?.messageType == "stateChange") {
                    let stateProp:String! = "state"
                    let stateText: String! = "display.text"
                    if(response?.getProperty(stateProp) == "closed") {
                        DispatchQueue.main.async {
                            self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("", completionHandler: nil)


 override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
 //Very important to cancel the GetMessage pooling when viewController is about to disappear and moves to new viewController
        if(NuanMessaging.getInstance().getChatProgress()) {

Plain Bubble View in Converstation Screen

Plain bubble Converstation View along with an optional Icon for agent is the default view displayed for Messaging UI.

shadowed image
Styling Send Button

Properties to customize send button is exposed from SendButtonProperties class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Following properties in SendButtonProperties lets you change the look and feel of Send Button.

Name type default description
borderColor UIColor UIColor.white

Use this property to change the send button border color

borderWidth Int 0

Use this property to change the border width.

cornerRadius Int 5

Use this property to change the corner Radius.

buttonTitle String Send Lets you change the Send button label.
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 53.0/255.0, blue: 149.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0) Change background color of send button.
textColor UIColor UIColor.white Change the send button label foreground color.
gradientEffect [UIColor] [UIColor.white, UIColor.white, UIColor.white] Lets you add a gradient effect to button.
gradientEffectLocations [NSNumber] [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] Lets you add the location of gradient effects.
useGradientEffect Bool false you must change it to true to have the gradient take effect.
buttonImageData Data Nil Lets you set an image as the background to send button. buttonTitle won't have any effect when you set an Image.
disableImageData Data Nil Lets you set an image as the background to send button.This will be displayed when SDK disables send button
buttonWidth Int 80 Lets you set the width of send button.
buttonFieldRightMargin int 14 Lets you set the send button right margin
buttonFieldTopMargin int 4 Lets you set the send button top margin
buttonFieldBottomMargin int 3 Lets you set the send button bottom margin
buttonHeight int 0 Lets you set the height of button image, setting button height make the top an bottom margin ineffective
toggleSendStateAfterMsgSend boolean false Set the send button to disabled state when Customer Text input contains 0 chars. Button will move to enabled state as soon as customer start typing.
Styling Customer Text Input Field

Properties to customize Customer Input field is exposed from CustomerInputFieldProperties class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Following properties in CustomerInputFieldProperties lets you change the look and feel of Input Field.

Name type default description
hintText String Type your message here..

Lets you change the hint text displayed in the input field.

borderColor UIColor UIColor.white

Use this property to change the border color.

borderWidth Int 0

Use this property to change the border width.

cornerRadius Int 5

Use this property to change the corner Radius.

inputMessageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Change background color of Input Field.
textColor UIColor UIColor.gray Change text foreground color.
placeHolderColor UIColor UIColor.gray Lets you change the hinttext foreground color.
containerBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.gray Lets you change the background color of the container where input text field and Send button is displayed.
dismissKeyBoardOnReturn boolean true Lets you control the action that happens when user press return key.
sendMsgOnReturn boolean false Lets application control if message need to send when pressing return key on keyboard.
inputFieldLeftMargin int 3 Lets you set the input field left margin value.
inputFieldRightMargin int 13 Lets you set the input field right margin.
inputFieldTopMargin int 4 Lets you set the input field top margin.
inputFieldBottomMargin int 3 Lets you set the input field bottom inputFieldTopMargin.
textFieldFont UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 14.0) Lets you change the input field font size.
textFieldTopPadding Int 0 Lets you change the input field top padding.
textFieldLeftPadding Int 0 Lets you change the input field left padding.
textFieldBottomPadding Int 0 Lets you change the input field bottom padding.
textFieldRightPadding Int 0 Lets you change the input field right padding.
keyboardType UIKeyboardType UIKeyboardType.default Lets you change the input keyboard type.

shadowed image
bool false lets you configure the display of character limit view when user engaged with VA.
limitDisplayThreshold int 100 lets you configure the threshold at which character limit view displays.
characterLimitForVA int 120 Maximum character that can be entered
characterLimitBottomPadding int 5 Character limit view bottom padding
characterLimitRightPadding int 5 Character limit view right padding
characterLimitTopPadding int 5 Character limit view top padding
characterLimitViewWidth int 28 Character limit view width
characterLimitTextColor UIColor gray Character limit view text color
characterLimitTextFont UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 8) Character limit view font style
inputTextAlignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Allows application to set the input text alignment
Styling Title Bar

Properties to customize Title is exposed from TitleBarProperties class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Following properties in TitleBarProperties lets you customize the title bar.

Name type default description
messagingBarTitle String Messaging

Lets you change Messaging UI title text.

messagingBarBackgroundColor UIColor UUIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 53.0/255.0, blue: 149.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)

Use this property to change title bar background color.

messagingBarTitleColor UIColor UIColor.white

Lets you change the title foreground color.

messagingTitleFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 20.0)

Use this property to change the title bar text fond style and size.

shareImageData Data Nil Set the icon image for share button.
shareButtonWidth Int 35 Lets you change the icon width.
shareButtonHeight Int 35 Lets you change the icon height.
emailImageData Data Nil Set the icon image for email button.
emailButtonWidth Int 35 Lets you change the icon width.
emailButtonHeight Int 35 Lets you change the icon height.
minimzeImageData Data Nil Set the icon image for minimize button.
minimizeButtonWidth Int 35 Lets you change the icon width.
minimizeButtonHeight Int 35 Lets you change the icon height.
closeImageData Data Nil Set the icon image for close button.
closeButtonWidth Int 35 Lets you change the icon width.
closeButtonHeight Int 35 Lets you change the icon height.
showLogo Bool false Sets the visibility of title bar logo image.
logoImageData Data Nil Lets you change the Logo displayed in the title bar.
logoImageWidth Int 35 Lets you change the Logo image width.
logoImageHeight Int 35 Lets you change the Logo image height.
showShareButton Bool false SDK is configured to display either Email or Share button. If you need to display Share button instead of Email. Set this property to true
chimeOnImageData Data Nil Lets you change the image used to display chime On button.
chimeOffImageData Data Nil Lets you change the image used to display chime Off button.
chimeButtonWidth Int 35 Lets you change the Chime image width.
chimeButtonHeight Int 35 Lets you change the Chime image height.
chimeSoundData Data Nil Lets you pass the sound data that will be played when an agent message is received.
leftTitleBarIcons Array <Int> nil Lets you freely configure the title bar buttons that needs to be diplayed in the left side.
rightTitleBarIcons Array <Int> nil Lets you freely configure the title bar buttons that needs to be diplayed in the right side.
setTitlePosition TitlePosition TitlePosition.left Lets you set the title position.
titleImageData Data nil Lets you set an image as title instead of a text title. SDK allows to set title image only for
titleImageWidth Int 35 Lets you set an title image width
titleImageHeight Int 35 Lets you set an title image height
isTitleLogoTogetherRequired Boolean false Lets you set an title image logo and title text at the center, image above text.

SDK comes with two place holder title bar buttons. which application can use to add some action other than messaging actions

Name type default description
option1ImageData Data nil

Lets you add a background image to this button

option1ButtonWidth Int 35

Lets you change the button width

option1ButtonHeight int 35

Lets you change the button height

option2ImageData Data nil

Lets you add a background image to this button

option2ButtonWidth Int 35

Lets you change the button width

option2ButtonHeight int 35

Lets you change the button height

  var p4 = TitleBarProperties()
  p4.leftTitleBarIcons = [TitleBarElement.minimize.rawValue, TitleBarElement.logoImage.rawValue]
  p4.rightTitleBarIcons = [TitleBarElement.close.rawValue,,TitleBarElement.chime.rawValue]
  vc.setTitleBarProperties(properties: p4)

Styling Transcript View

Properties to customize Transcript View is exposed from MessagingViewProperties class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Following properties in MessagingViewProperties lets you customize the conversation bubbles and transcript container

Name type default description
footerViewHeight int 70

Lets you change the footer view height

bubbleAnimationStyle UITableViewRowAnimation


Lets you change animation style for transcript bubbles.
messagingTranscriptBackgorundColor UIColor UIColor.white

Lets you change transcript container background color

agentIconImageData Data Nuance Logo

Use this property to set the image that gets displayed along with agent message.

isAgentIconRequired Bool false

Set this property to hide the icon displayed along with agent message.

agentMessageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white

Use this property to change agent conversation bubble background color.

agentMessageTextColor UIColor Set the agent conversation bubble text foreground color.
agentMessageBorderColor UIColor Lets you change the agent conversation bubble border color.
agentMessageCornerRadius Int 5 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble corner radius.
agentMessageBorderWidth Int 2 Lets you change the border width.
agentMessageFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Lets you change the agent conversation bubble font style.
agentTopPadding Int 15 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble top padding.
agentBottomPadding Int 15 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble bottom padding.
agentLeftPadding Int 15 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble left padding.
agentRightPadding Int 15 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble right padding.
agentMessageLeftMargin Int 24 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble left margin.
agentMessageRightMargin Int 50 Lets you change the agent conversation bubble right margin.
agentMessageTextAlignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Lets you change the agent message text alignment.
customerMessageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 53.0/255.0, blue: 149.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)

Use this property to change customer conversation bubble background color.

customerMessageTextColor UIColor UIColor.white Set the customer conversation bubble text foreground color.
customerMessageBorderColor UIColor UIColor(red: 50.0/255.0, green: 53.0/255.0, blue: 149.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0) Lets you change the customer conversation bubble border color.
customerMessageCornerRadius Int 5 Lets you change the customer conversation bubble corner radius.
customerMessageBorderWidth Int 2 Lets you change the border width.
customerMessageFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Lets you change the customer conversation bubble font style.
customerTopPadding Int 15 Lets you change the conversation conversation bubble top padding.
customerBottomadding Int 15 Lets you change the conversation conversation bubble bottom padding.
customerLeftPadding Int 15 Lets you change the conversation conversation bubble left padding.
customerRightPadding Int 15 Lets you change the conversation conversation bubble right padding.
customerMessageLeftMargin Int 50 Lets you change the customer conversation bubble left margin.
customerMessageRightMargin Int 24 Lets you change the customer conversation bubble right margin.
customerMessageTextAlignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Lets you change the customer message text alignment.
systemMessageTextColor UIColor Lets you change the system message text foreground color.
systemMessageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you change the system message background color.
systemMessageBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you change the system message border color.
systemMessageCornerRadius int 0 Lets you change the system message border radius.
systemMessageBorderWidth int 0 Lets you change the system message border width.
systemMessageAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Lets you change the system message text alignment.
systemMessageTopPadding Int 0 Lets you change the system message top padding.
systemMessageBottomPadding Int 0 Lets you change the system message bottom padding.
systemMessageLeftPadding Int 0 Lets you change the system message left padding.
systemMessageRightPadding Int 0 Lets you change the system message right padding.
systemMessageFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Lets you change the system text font style and size.
showCustomMessageImage UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Flag to show the system message icon
centerAlignCustomMessageImage UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Flag to center align system icon default is top
messageInfoImageWidth UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! set system icon width
messageInfoImageHeight UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! set system icon height

shadowed image
UIColor Lets you change the agent typing message text foreground color.
agentTypingFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Lets you change the agent typing text font style and size.
agentTypingMessageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you change the agent message background color.
agentTypingMessageBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you change the agent message border color.
agentTypingMessageCornerRadius int 0 Lets you change the agent message border radius.
agentTypingMessageBorderWidth int 0 Lets you change the agent message border width.
agentTypingMessageAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Lets you change the agent message text alignment.
agentTypingMessageTopPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message top padding.
agentTypingMessageBottomPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message bottom padding.
agentTypingMessageLeftPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message left padding.
agentTypingMessageRightPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message right padding.
agentTypingMessageRightPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message right padding.
agentTypingMessageRightPadding Int 0 Lets you change the agent message right padding.
agentTypingAccessibilityMessage String Lets you set the typing accessibility message.
infoMessageLeftMargin Int 10 Typing/System message view left margin.
infoMessageTopMargin Int 1 Typing/System message view top margin.
infoMessageRightMargin Int 0 Typing/System message view right margin.
agentNameFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 17.0)! Lets you change the agent name text font style and size.
agentNameTextColor UIColor agentMessageTextColor Lets you change the agent name text color.
htmlLinkColor UIColor Lets you change url link color.
htmlLinkGreyScaleModeColor UIColor Lets you url color when device is in grey scale mode.
setSpaceBetweenBubble Int 0 Lets you change the space between bubbles.

shadowed image
bool false

Setting this to true render the message from bottom and pushes up as new messages arrives


shadowed image
bool false Setting this to true group all customer and agent messages
spaceBetweenGroupingCells Int 0 Set the space between the grouped cells
hugCustomerMessageContent boolean false Enable content hugging for customer messages
hugAgentMessageContent boolean false Enable content hugging for agent messages
delayRenderingVAResponse Double 0.1 Allows you to delay the rendering of VA responses.
Styling Transcript bubbles using background Image

Properties to set background streachable image to Transcript bubbles is exposed from MessagingViewProperties class.

Following properties in MessagingViewProperties lets you customize the conversation bubbles using background image.

Name type default description
setConversationBackgroundImage Bool false

Use this property to turn on background image styling for transcript bubble.

agentBackgroundImageData Data nil

Use this property to set the background image to agent transcript bubble.

customerBackgroundImageData Data nil

Use this property to set the background image to customer transcript bubble.

setAgentBackgroundImageStretchingPoint UIEdgeInsets nil

Use this property to change the agent background image strecting point. UIEdgeInsetsMake(15, 30, 20, 15)

setCustomerBackgroundImageStretchingPoint UIEdgeInsets nil

Use this property to change the customer background image strecting point. UIEdgeInsetsMake(15, 30, 20, 15)

Styling Speech bubbles view

Properties to enable and style speech Transcript bubbles are exposed from MessagingViewProperties class.

Following properties in MessagingViewProperties lets you customize the conversation bubbles using speech view. Speech view will also turn on background image for transcript bubbles (refer the above section).

shadowed image
Name type default description
setSpeachBubbleView Bool false

Use this property to turn on speech transcript view

agentSpeechIcon Data nil

Use this property to set te agent icon.

customerSpeechIcon Data nil

Use this property to set customer icon.

ninaSpeechIcon Data nil

Use this property to set te Virtual agent speech icon.

setAgentIconImagePosition Int 1

Use this property to set the agent spech icon position.

  • 0: top
  • 1: center
  • 2: bottom
setCustomerIconImagePosition Int 1

Use this property to set the customer spech icon position.

  • 0: top
  • 1: center
  • 2: bottom

By default System Messages disappear after a new Agent or Customer message appear. But certain Systems messages can be configured to persist in the transcript.

Name type default example
persistTransferStartMessage bool false Setting this property will make SDK to persist agent transfer start message in the transcript.
persistTransferConnectedMessage bool false Setting this property will make SDK to persist agent transfer connected message in the transcript.
Styling Email dialog

Properties to customize Email dialog is exposed from EmailViewProperties class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Following properties in EmailViewProperties lets you customize Email Dialog.

shadowed image
Name type default description
transparentBackgroundColorOpacity Float .8

lets you change the opacity value of the modal background.

transperentBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.grey

Use this property to change the modal background color.

backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white

lets you change the email dialog background color.

emailPopupHeight Double 200.0

lets you change the email dialog height.

emailPopupHeightAtLandscape Double 180.0

lets you change the email dialog height when devide at landscape mode.

titleBarText String kEmailViewTitleText Set this property to change the title bar text.
titleBarTextColor UIColor UIColor.white Set the title bar text foreground color.
titleBarTextFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 13.0) Set the title bar text font style.
titleBarTextAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Set the title bar text alignment.
descriptionText String kEmailViewDescriptionText Set this property to change the description message.
descriptionTextColor UIColor UIColor.gray Set this property to change the description message foreground color.
descriptionTextFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 17.0)! Set the description text font style.
descriptionTextAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.left Set the description text alignment.
emptyEmailAddressErrorMessage String Please enter your email address. Sets the error text that gets displayed when no email address found.
invalidEmailAddressErrorMessage String Please enter valid email address. Sets the error text that gets displayed when email address validation fails.
errorMessageTextColor UIColor Lets you change the error text foreground color.
emailErrorFontStyle UIFont UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 11.0) Lets you change the error text font style.
errorFieldBottomSpacing Int 6 Lets you change the space between error text and email buttons
errorFieldBottomSpacingAtLandscape Int 5 Lets you change the space between error text and email buttons in landscape mode
emailHintText String Lets you change hint text displayed in the email input field.
isErrorImageRequired Bool false Lets you configure the visibilty of an error info image.
emailErrorImageHeight Int 10 Lets you configure the error image height.
emailErrorImageWidth Int 10 Lets you configure the error image width.
emailErrorImage Data nil Lets you configure the image displayed along with error message.
cancelButtonText String Cancel Lets you change the Cancel button label.
sendButtonText String Send Lets you change the Send button label.
cancelButtonTextColor UIColor UIColor(red: 15.0/255.0, green: 104.0/255.0, blue: 171.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0) Lets you change the cancel button label foreground color.
sendButtonTextColor UIColor UIColor(red: 15.0/255.0, green: 104.0/255.0, blue: 171.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0) Lets you change the send button label foreground color.
cancelButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clear Set the cancel button background color.
cancelButtonBackgroundViewColor UIColor UIColor.white Set the cancel button background view color.
cancelButtonFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 13.0) Set the cancel button text font style.
sendButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clear Set the send button background color.
sendButtonBackgroundViewColor UIColor UIColor.white Set the send button background view color.
sendButtonFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 13.0) Set the send button text font style.
buttonsViewHeight Int 40 Lets you set the buttons view height.
buttonInBetweenBorderWidth Int 1 Lets you set the width of the border in between buttons.
buttonViewTopBorderWidth Int 1 Lets you set the width of the border between button view and error message.
buttonBorderColor UIColor UIColor.lightGray Lets you set the color of the button border.
emailTextFieldCornerRadius Int 5 Set the Email address Input field corner radius.
emailTextFieldBorderWidth Int 0 Set the Email address Input field border width.
emailTextFieldBorderColor UIColor Set the Email address Input field border color.
emailTextFieldColor UIColor Set the Email address Input field text color.
emailTextFieldFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 15.0) Set the Email address Input field font style.
emailViewCornerRadius Int 10 Set the Email dialog corner radius.
emailViewBorderWidth Int 1 Set the Email dialog border width.
emailViewBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Set the Email dialog border color.
mailSentFailureErrorMessage String Sorry, problem with sending mail, please try again Set the text that gets displayed when email request is failed.
Loading Properties

SDK has properties exposed to display a loading while restoring the previous conversation. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Name type default description
showPreviousMessageLoading Bool false Lets you configure the visibility of loading view.
backgroundColor UIColor UIColor.gray Lets you set the loading background color.
backgroundColorOpacity Float 0.8 Lets you set the background color opacity.
loadingMessage string kLoadingText Lets you set the message displayed in the loading view.
loadingMessageColor UIColor Lets you set the loading message color.
displayTextInBold Bool false Lets you configure if the loading text needs to be displayed in bold.
displayTextInItalic Bool false Lets you configure if the loading text needs to be displayed in italic.
messageFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 17.0)! Lets you set the loading text font style.
showActivityIndicator Bool true A light weight activity indicator. Style is not supported for this indicator.
Messaging App String Properties

Properties to change the various default strings is exposed from CustomerInformationMessages class. Application has to pass an instance of this class having modified properties into the framework.

Name type default description
messagingNotAvailable String Messaging service not available at this time. Please try again later. Sets the text which is displayed when messaging service is not available.
serviceQueued String An agent will respond as soon as they are available. Sets the text which is displayed when engagement is queued.
agentNowAvailable String Agent now available. Sets the text which is displayed when engagement goes from queue to assigned.
networkNotAvailable string Connection to messaging server is disconnected. Please check your network.. Sets the text which is displayed when device network is lost during an active engagement.
networkAvailable string Connectiong to messaging server is restored. Sets the text which is displayed when device network is restored.
serviceDenied string No agent available at this time. Please try again. Sets the text which is displayed when no agents are avialble.
agentLeftConversation string Agent Left the conversation. Sets the text which is displayed when agent closes the engagement.
agentTimedOut string Connection timed out due to InActivity. Sets the text which is displayed when connection is timed out due to in activity.
closeButtonAccessibilityMessage string Close chat window. Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
minimizeButtonAccessibilityMessage string Minimize chat window. Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
emailButtonAccessibilityMessage string Send copy of chat transcript. Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
chimeButtonOnAccessibilityMessage string Incoming chat chime, ON Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
chimeButtonOffAccessibilityMessage string Incoming chat chime, OFF Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
sendButtonAccessibilityMessage string Send Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
startRecordingAccessibilityMessage string Start Recording Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
stopRecordingAccessibilityMessage string Stop Recording Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
InputTextAccessibilityMessage string InputText Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
option1ButtonAccessibilityMessage string Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
option2ButtonAccessibilityMessage string Sets the text that voice over reads when accessibility mode is turned on
agentTransfer string Sets the text that will be displayed when agent Transfer happens either to VA or another agent
agentTransferConnected string Sets the text that will be displayed when new agent joins
agentLost string Sets the text that will be displayed when agent is disconnected from chat roomid
Displaying Customer & Agent name in bubbles.

To display customer and agent name in the bubbles, please set showNameInBubbles boolean property of MessagingViewProperties class.

Name type default example
showNameInBubbles Bool false Lets you display customer and agent name in the bubbles
defaultCustomerName String You Use this property to set the default Customer name. This property is present in CustomerInformationMessages class
showNameInTimeStamp Bool false Lets you display customer and agent name in the timestamp message
Displaying and styling timestamp.

Below properties lets you customize the look and feel of the time stamp displayed underneath the Message bubble.

Properties are found in MessagingViewProperties class

Name type default example
setMessageTimeStamp bool false Lets you set the display of timestamp underneath the message bubble.
setMessageTimeStampFormat String EEEE, MMMM dd,yyyy HH:mm Lets you set the timestamp format
agentTimeStampBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set timestamp background color.
agentTimeStampTextColor UIColor Lets you set timestamp text color.
agentTimeStampBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set timestamp border color.
agentTimeStampCornerRadius Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp corner radius.
agentTimeStampBorderWidth Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp border width
agentTimeStampFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 13.0) Lets you set the timestamp font.
agentTimeStampTextAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.right Lets you set timestmp text alignment.
agentTimeStampLeftPadding Int 0 Lets you set timestamp text left padding.
agentTimeStampRightPadding Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp text right padding.
agentTimeStampTopPadding Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view top padding.
agentTimeStampBottomPadding Int 0 Lets you set timestamp text bottom padding.
agentTimeStampLeftMargin Int 0 Lets you set timestamp view left margin.
agentTimeStampRightMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view right margin.
agentTimeStampTopMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view top margin.
agentTimeStampBottomMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view bottom margin.
customerTimeStampBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set timestamp background color.
customerTimeStampTextColor UIColor Lets you set timestamp text color.
customerTimeStampBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set timestamp border color.
customerTimeStampCornerRadius Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp corner radius.
customerTimeStampBorderWidth Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp border width
customerTimeStampFontStyle UIFont UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 13.0) Lets you set the timestamp font.
customerTimeStampTextAllignment NSTextAlignment NSTextAlignment.right Lets you set timestmp text alignment.
customerTimeStampLeftPadding Int 0 Lets you set timestamp text left padding.
customerTimeStampRightPadding Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp text right padding.
customerTimeStampTopPadding Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view top padding.
customerTimeStampBottomPadding Int 0 Lets you set timestamp text bottom padding.
customerTimeStampLeftMargin Int 0 Lets you set timestamp view left margin.
customerTimeStampRightMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view right margin.
customerTimeStampTopMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view top margin.
customerTimeStampBottomMargin Int 0 Lets you set the timestamp view bottom margin.
Styling FileUpload screen.

SDK exposes following properties to style File Upload screen

shadowed image
Name type default example
selectFileButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#7FB523") Lets you customize select file button background color
selectPhotoButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#7FB523") Lets you customize select photo button background color
closeButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#D90000") Lets you customize close button background color
selectFileButtonTitleColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you customize select File button text color
selectPhotoButtonTitleColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you customize select Photo button text color
closeButtonTitleColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you customize close button text color
selectFileButtonBorderColor UIColor UUIColor.color(hexString: "#000000") Lets you customize select File button border color
selectPhotoButtonBorderColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#000000") Lets you customize select Photo button border color
closeButtonBorderColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#000000") Lets you customize close button border color
selectFileButtonBorderWidth Int 1 Lets you customize select File button border width
selectPhotoButtonBorderWidth Int 1 Lets you customize select Photo button border width
closeButtonBorderWidth Int 1 Lets you customize close button border width
selectFileButtonCornerRadius Int 1 Lets you customize select File button corner radius
selectFileButtonCornerRadius Int 1 Lets you customize select Photo button corner radius
selectFileButtonCornerRadius Int 1 Lets you customize close button button corner radius
normalMessageTextColor UIColor Lets you customize info message text color
errorMessageTextColor UIColor Lets you customize error message text color
File Upload Text Properties
Name type default description
fileUploadDisclaimerText String By uploading this file, you acknowledge and fully understand that the agent will be able to view the content of the file. Avoid uploading files that contain sensitive information, such as birth date, credit card numbers, and social security numbers. Lets you customize file upload disclaimer text
fileUploadSelectFileButtonTitle String Upload File Lets you customize select file button text
fileUploadSelectPhotoButtonTitle String Upload Photo Lets you customize select photo button text
fileUplaodCloseButtonTitle String Close Lets you customize close button text
fileTypeNotAllowedErrorMessage String File type not allowed to upload. Lets you customize type not allowed error text
fileTooLargeErrorMessage String File is too large. Please select a file that is less than Lets you customize file size error text
fileUploadFailureErrorMessage String Failed to upload file. Please try later Lets you customize upload error text
fileUploadRetryMessage String Failed to upload file. Please try again Lets you customize upload retry message
fileUploadSuccessMessage String File successfully uploaded. Lets you customize upload success message
fileUploadRetryButtonTitle String Retry Lets you customize upload retry text
fileUploadCancelRetryButtonTitle String Cancel Lets you customize upload retry cancel text
Styling upload progress view
Name type default description
displayProgressText Bool true Lets you configure the display of progress percentage
progressTextFont UIFont UIFont = UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 10.0)! Lets you customize progress percentage font
progressTextColor UIColor Lets you customize progress percentage color
progressTextFormat String %.1f %% Lets you customize progress percentage format
progressTintColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#3E70FB") Lets you customize progress view tint color
trackTintColor UIColor UIColor.color(hexString: "#B6B6B6") Lets you customize progress view tract tint color
progressViewHeight CGFloat 20.0 Lets you customize progress view height
progressViewWidth CGFloat 250.0 Lets you customize progress view width
displayMessageText Bool true Lets you configure the diplay of progress message
messageTextFont UIFont UIFont(name: kFontName, size: 10.0)! Lets you customize progress message font
messageTextColor UIColor UIColor.color Lets you customize progress message color
messageText String Uploading Lets you customize progress message text
Styling Virtual Agent Response.

SDK lets you customize VA resposne in various ways.

Properties are found in MessagingViewProperties class

Name type default example

shadowed image
bool false Setting this property to true will display a nina links as buttons.
htmlLinkButtonFont UIFont nil Lets you set the link button font.
linkButtonBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clear Lets you set button background color.
linkButtonTextColor UIColor Lets you set link button text color.
linkButtonCornerRadius Int 3 Lets you set button corner radius.
linkButtonBorderColor UIColor UIColor.gray Lets you set link button border color.
linkButtonBorderWidth Int 2 Lets you set link button border width.
linkButtonBackgroundImage Data nil Lets you set link button background image.
linkButtonTextAllignment UIControl.ContentHorizontalAlignment .center This property lets you set the text button text alignment.
linkButtonLeftPadding CGFloat 5 This property lets you set left padding of button text.
showFirstImageOut Bool false Lets you display the first image from VA response out side above bubble.
vaImageBorderWidth Int 0 Lets you style the border of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageCornerRadius Int 0 Lets you style the corner radius of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageLeftMargin Int 16 Lets you set the left margin of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageRigthMargin Int 16 Lets you set the right margin of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageBorderColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set border color of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.white Lets you set background color of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageheight Int 100 Lets you set the height of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
vaImageMode UIView.ContentMode .center Lets you set the content mode of the image which is displayed outside the bubble.
inlineBackgroundColor UIColor UIColor.clear Lets you change the background color of the image displayed inline.
inlineImageheight Int 120 Lets you change the height of inline image.
inlineImagewidth Int 160 Lets you change the width of inline image.
inlineImageMode UIView.ContentMode .center Lets you content mode of inline image.
Displaying Disclaimer Header

Disclaimer text appears at the top of the chat window immediately after messaging window is displayed.

Name type default example
disclaimerText string Disclaimer text that is displayed on top of transcript area.
showDisclaimerHeader bool false Configure SDK to display a disclaimer header.
autoHideDisclaimerHeader bool false Configure SDK to hide the disclaimer after engagement is created.
disclaimerTextColor UIColor Configure disclaimer text color
disclaimerTextFontStyle UIFont Configure disclaimer text font style
disclaimerTextAlignment NSTextAlignment Configure disclaimer text alignment
isAllignToBulletPoints bool false Aligns bullet point relative to parent. If displayNinaLinksAsButtons is set to true alignment property will not work

    showDisclaimerHeader: Bool = false
    autoHideDisclaimerHeader : Bool = true
    autoHideHeaderTime : Int = 3
    disclaimerText: String = ""
    disclaimerTextColor : UIColor =
    disclaimerTextFontStyle : UIFont = UIFont(name: "Helvetica", size: 14.0)!
    disclaimerTextAlignment:NSTextAlignment =
Displaying Survey Confirmation Dialog.

Use the below properties to show and display a confirmation dialog.

Name type default example
showSurveyDialog bool false Setting this property turns on the confirmation dialog.
Property is found in MessagingViewProperties class
customerSurveyAlertTitle String Welcome to customer satisfaction survey! Use the property to change the title text.
Property is found in CustomerInformationMessages class
customerSurveyAlertMessage String Kindly take part in this important survey measuring customer satisfaction. Your thought and opinions will be helpful in serving you better in the future. This survey should only take 4-5 minutes to complete. Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in strictest confidentiality. Use the property to change the survey dialog message.
Property is found in CustomerInformationMessages class
Additional Typing Customization

Use the below properties to configure the display of typing animation.

Name type default example
showTypingAnimation bool false Setting this property to true turns on typing animation display
typingAnimationImage UIImage nil Pass a list of images to be animated, UIImage.animatedImageNamed("Processing_", duration: 0)
typingAnimationImageWidth int 30 Width of typing animation images
typingAnimationImageHeight int 30 Height of typing animation images
typingAnimationImageLeftMargin int 3 Set the animation images left margin
typingAnimationImageTopMargin int 2 Set the animation images top margin
typingAnimationImageBackgroundColor UIColor clear Set the animation images background color
hideStoppedTyping Bool false Use this property to hide agent Stopped typing state
typingStaticImage UIImage nil Use this property to set an icon for typing view
typingStaticImageWidth int 30 Typing icon width
typingStaticImageHeight int 30 Typing icon height
typingStaticImageLeftMargin int 3 Typing icon left margin
typingStaticImageTopMargin int 2 Typing icon top margin
typingStaticImageBackgroundColor UIColor clear Typing icon background color
Hide Transcript Message
Handling Minimized State

Please refer the Handling Minimised State section in the left Javascript Interface document.


	     var vc:NuanceMessagingViewController;

        if(NuanMessaging.getInstance().getChatProgress()) {
            vc = restoreMessagingViewController(webview:nil);
        } else {
            vc = launchMessagingViewController(params: getEngageParameters())
        self.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)

        func setupMessagingUIProps(vc:NuanceMessagingViewController){

          var p4 = TitleBarProperties()
          let myImage1 = UIImage(named:"ic_action_close.png")
          let imageData1: Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImage1!)!
          p4.closeImageData = imageData1 as Data
          let myImage2 = UIImage(named:"ic_action_mail.png")
          let imageData2: Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImage2!)!

          p4.emailImageData = imageData2 as Data
          let myImage3 = UIImage(named:"ic_action_share.png")
          let imageData3: Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImage3!)!
          p4.shareImageData = imageData3 as Data

          let myImage4 = UIImage(named:"minimize.png")
          let imageData4: Data = UIImagePNGRepresentation(myImage4!)!
          p4.minimizeImageData = imageData4 as Data

          p4.minimumSpaceBetweenTitleButton = 2;

          vc.setTitleBarProperties(properties: p4)

          var p1 = MessagingViewProperties();
          p1.isAgentIconRequired = false

          vc.setTranscriptViewPropeties(properties: p1);

          var p2 = EmailViewProperties()

          vc.setEmailViewProperties(properties: p2)

          var p3 = CustomerInputFieldProperties();
          p3.containerBackgroundColor =
          p3.borderColor = UIColor.lightGray
          p3.borderWidth = 2
          vc.setCustomerInputProperties(properties: p3)

          var p5 = SendButtonProperties()

          vc.setSendButtonProperties(properties: p5)


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